Women's Fellowship

Candle-making, retreat, Soup Group

Make Candles for Candle Tea 2024

The Candle Tea Team is working hard now to make the 2024 Candle Tea a great success. Help is needed from every member of Women’s Fellowship to get the job done!

We will be meeting in the Candle Room. Please plan to pitch in and help on the following dates:

Session 1 in June, making 10-inch candles

  • Friday, June 28 – TWO shifts: 10am-12pm and/or 12pm-2pm
  • Saturday, June 29 – TWO shifts: 10am-2:30pm and/or 12:30pm-3pm

Session 2 in July, making sconce candles

  • Friday, July 19 – TWO shifts: 10am-12pm and/or 12pm-2pm
  • Saturday, July 20 – TWO shifts: 10am – 12:30 and/or 12:30 – 3pm

A light snack and drinks will be provided. Please help spread the word by inviting our new church members and encourage your friends to attend!

Please send Susan Miller, Chair of Candle Tea 2024, an email/text/phone call if you’re able to attend and which day/shift: [email protected], 336-414-6511

Women’s Retreat hosted by Women’s Fellowship

Nola Knouse October 2021.jpgFor all women of Home Church and their Friends

Sept. 20-22, 2024, at Higgins Lodge, Laurel Ridge

“With All of Creation, We Live in Hope”

Registration opens July 15. Cost is $345 single/$220 double. This covers fees for room and meals and & $15 for retreat leadership.

Our retreat leader will be Nola Reed Knouse.

Beginning July 15, register online here. Or you can download the Registration form and Laurel Ridge Waiver form and mail them with your $80 registration fee to the church office, Attn: Katrina Bodford.

Stay tuned for more details! Questions: email Katrina Bodford

Women’s Fellowship Soup Group

On May19, we sold 96 quarts of soup following worship! “Thank you” cannot begin to cover how much the Soup Group appreciates all the support we have received from the congregation! Our ministry is so rewarding. We hear many thank-yous from those who receive the soup you deliver. And, we love the enthusiastic words we hear from those of you purchasing soup at our sales.

The soup makers all get that good feeling that comes with giving to others when we hear these thanks and see your smiling faces! The proceeds from the Soup Sale help ensure that we remain a self-funded ministry and allow us to keep the freezer stocked.

And there’s more! There is currently a variety of soups available in the Fellowship Hall kitchen freezer. Please feel welcome to pick up a quart to deliver to someone in your life who needs a little TLC.

If you would like to join us in the kitchen, email Lucy Strawsburg or Debbie Drake. We’d love to have you!

Our prayer is that the soup will be a blessing to both the giver and the receiver!

With much gratitude…

—The Soup Group

Supporting Women’s Fellowship is Easy

You are invited to donate to Women's Fellowship through Square by clicking here.  

Upon completing your transaction, the funds will be deposited directly into the Women’s Fellowship bank account. It is a safe, secure, and convenient method of giving. 

If you have not donated to Women's Fellowship already, we invite you to give from the comforts of your home today. Your donations help Women's Fellowship support interest groups, community events, service projects, and Circles. To learn more about each area, please visit our Guiding Principles.

2024 Leadership

President -Lucy Strawsburg – 336-416-8686 [email protected]

Vice-President- Martha Veto – 478-550-2367 [email protected]

Secretary-Susie Gatland – 336-978-6067 [email protected]

Treasurer- Linda Agnant Montaquila – 561-373-9225 [email protected]

Events coordinator-Peggy Dodson – 336-813-6737 [email protected]

Communications coordinator- Ann Radford – 336-416-9476 [email protected]

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2022: A Reflection

What would a great Women’s Fellowship look like? We were asked this question in 2020 as the task force began their work to reimagine Women’s Fellowship.

The most common answers were:

· Women able to put their gifts to use

· More focus on relationships

· Service

· Encouragement and acceptance

As I think about last year, I see women coming together in the Fellowship Hall kitchen to make soup for those both within and beyond our congregation who need a meal. Just one example of gifts being put to use in a new way. Click here to read more.


What Would a Great Women’s Fellowship Look Like to YOU?

A lot has changed since we reimagined Women’s Fellowship, and we’re still learning and growing. If you miss something Women’s Fellowship used to do, or have even found yourself asking, “What does Women’s Fellowship do now?”, please let someone from the Leadership Team know.

Women’s Fellowship activities are communicated in the Home-to-Home, the weekly church emails, on the Women’s Fellowship page on the church website,

and through occasional bulletin inserts and/or emails directly to the Women of Home Church and Circle leaders.

If you have questions regarding upcoming opportunities to fellowship together or ideas on ways we can strengthen our bond with other women of the church, please don’t hesitate to let us know! We invite you to prayerfully consider what a great Women’s Fellowship would look like to you and to share your ideas with us using this resource. What interest group, service project, or community event would you like to see?


The mission of Women's Fellowship is to deepen relationships with God and one another through Christian fellowship and service to all. The Fellowship is open to all women over the age of 18. 

 Women's Fellowship fulfills its mission through four areas: interest groups, community events, service projects, and Circles. To learn more about each area, you can read the Fellowship's Guiding Principles. If you have an idea for an interest group, community event, or service project, and are not sure where to begin, be sure to read this document that explains how to get started turning your idea into reality. 

Getting together for the first time with your circle? Click here for more information on how to get started.

Have an idea for a Women’s Fellowship Interest Group, Service Project or Community Event? Click here for more information on what to do!


In January 2021, a Women’s Fellowship Task Force completed a year-long process that resulted in some changes in the Women’s Fellowship’s governance, organization and operations. Watch a video and download a document of the Task Force report.

The group’s major annual undertaking is the Candle Tea held early in the Advent season – guided tours of the historic Single Brothers’ House with music, candle-making, coffee and Moravian sugar cake, a visit to the putz – a hand-crafted miniature model of Old Salem and a Nativity scene – and the Christmas story. Proceeds of the event go to benevolent causes.

The Women's Fellowship also holds a fall retreat each September at Laurel Ridge. It's a time of learning, fellowship, rejuvenation and fun, open to all Home Church women and their guests.  

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