Fulfilling Christ's call to love God, live in community, and serve our neighbor

Our Constitution




The name of this community of faith shall be the Home Moravian Church of Winston-Salem,  North Carolina, herein referred to as Home Church.  


Home Church is a congregation in the Southern Province, Moravian Church in America, and  as such is a member of the worldwide Moravian Church or Unitas Fratrum. It is also a  collegial member of Salem Congregation, a chartered organization of thirteen churches within  the Winston-Salem community. Home Church is subject to the rules and regulations enacted  by the Synods of the Southern Province and the Unitas Fratrum and by the Boards of Salem  Congregation.  


Bound together through our relationship with Jesus Christ, we will celebrate our faith as we  love and serve God and others. The spirit within the community of Home Moravian Church  inspires our obedience to the call to serve Christ.  


Article I - Communicant Membership  

(a) Persons applying for communicant membership in Home Church by the rite of  Confirmation or Adult Baptism, on profession of faith, or by reaffirmation of faith shall receive such instruction as their circumstances may require. When they have  been thus prepared, their names shall be submitted to the Elders of Home Church,  who shall have power to grant or to refuse the applications.  

(b) Persons who have been full members of another Moravian Congregation or of  another Christian church who desire to unite with this congregation, shall present  their letters of transfer or dismissal from their former church. In case such letters  of transfer cannot be obtained, they shall submit the proper evidence of their  previous membership. If their applications for membership are approved, they  shall be received by right hand of fellowship. 

(c) All persons, before becoming communicant members of Home Church, shall be  clearly informed as to the duties and obligations as set forth in this Constitution,  and they shall be furnished with a copy of this Constitution and literature  concerning doctrine, history, and practice of the Moravian Church.  

(d) Communicant members of Home Church in good standing are defined as those  who, to the best of their ability, witness faithfully to their dedication to Christ as  Lord and Savior by:  

1. Attending the public services of congregational worship. 

2. Participating in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  

3. Contributing as the Lord prospers them to the work of the congregation.  4. Responding positively to opportunities both inside and outside the  

congregation to use abilities and time in the service of others.  

5. Supporting the work of the worldwide Moravian Church as a whole in a  way that advances the mission and service of Christ to the world.  

Article 2 - Children Under the Care of the Church  

Children of communicant members, including children under the guardianship of a  communicant member and upon approval of the parents when appropriate, are  considered to be under the care of this congregation. Where only one parent is received  as a communicant member, the membership status of the person=s children within this  congregation will be decided at the time of reception. Parents are expected to bring  infant children to be baptized as soon as possible after birth. Parents and all members  are expected to nurture and encourage the growth of children in the faith and to lead  them to become communicant members through personal profession of faith by the  Rite of Confirmation or the Sacrament of Baptism.  

(a) Baptized children of communicant members shall remain non-communicant  members of this congregation until: (1) they are admitted to Holy  

Communion as communing children; (2) they complete the Confirmation  process and become communicant members; or, (3) they reach the age of  twenty-one.  

(b) Unbaptized children of communicant members shall remain children of the  church until: (1) they are baptized as children and become non-communicant  members; (2) they are baptized as adults and become communicant members;  or, (3) they reach the age of twenty-one.  

(c) Baptized children may be admitted by the Board of Elders to Holy  Communion after appropriate pastoral instruction and counseling with the  children and their parents concerning the meaning and observance of Holy  Communion. They shall remain communing children until: (1) they complete  the Confirmation process and become communicant members; or, (2) they  reach the age of twenty-one.  

(d) Children under the care of the church as non-communicant members, children  of the church, or communing children who reach the age of twenty-one  without becoming communicant members of Home Church may, at the  discretion of the Board of Elders, be removed from membership in this  congregation.  

Article 3 - Associate Members  

(a) Communicant members in good standing may retain an associate membership in  Home Church upon transferring their membership to another Moravian Church  outside of Forsyth County or to another Christian Church outside of Forsyth  County provided the following conditions are fulfilled:  

1. They apply in writing for permission to retain an associate membership  along with their request for a transfer of membership. 

2. They pay in full the annual assessment for associate members as fixed by  the Board of Trustees. 

3. The congregation to which they transfer provides a letter of  

acknowledgment that they have become members.  

(b) Associate members who fulfill the above conditions retain all rights and privileges  of communicant members except they may not vote at Church Council and may  not hold office on the official boards of Home Church. Associate members who  are communicant members in another Moravian congregation will not be included  in the annual statistics of Home Church.  

(c) Students who are communicant members in good standing of another Moravian  congregation outside of Forsyth County or another Christian Church outside of  Forsyth County may become associate members of Home Church while attending  school in the Winston-Salem community provided the written approval of such  association by their congregation is received.  

(d) Baptized children of associate members shall be non-communicant members of  either one of the congregations as the parent may choose and will be included in  the statistics of the chosen church.  

(e) Baptized Christians who desire membership in Home Moravian Church, but whose   unique circumstances prevent their joining as communicant members, may join as   associate members with the approval of the Board of Elders. 

Article 4 - Inactive Members  

(a) Members who have failed to meet the requirements of a member in good standing  for two years and who cannot for the present be reclaimed to active membership  will be placed on an inactive roll by action of the Board of Elders. Inactive  members may likewise be returned to the active roll by action of the Board of  Elders.  

(b) Those persons placed on the inactive roll will be informed that by virtue of their  status as inactive members they would:  

1. Be visited and extended the ministries of caring that other members  receive, including admission to the Lord’s Supper.  

2. Receive regular communications of the Moravian Church, as determined  by the pastors.  

3. Be ineligible to vote at Church Council or to hold church office.  

4. Not be counted in the membership statistics of Home Church.  

5. Be given a qualified letter of transfer if they request a letter of transfer.  6. Have no privileges of burial in Salem Congregation’s designated  


(c) If after repeated efforts to minister to inactive members and bring them back into  active fellowship within the congregation the persons remain inactive, the Board  of Elders may remove those persons from the roll of the church.  

Article 5 - Discipline of Members  

The Board of Elders will make every effort to determine what pain or need lies behind  the behavior of members of Home Church who display conduct unbecoming a  Christian and will provide appropriate ministries to them. When such ministry is  rejected the Board of Elders may exclude such persons from the membership or may  enact discipline which is deemed constructive for the spiritual growth of those persons. 

Members who have been disciplined shall in all cases have the right to appeal to the  Provincial Elders Conference of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province.  

Article 6 - Transfer to other churches and dismissals  

Any member desiring a letter of transfer to another Moravian Church or another  Christian Church shall make application either in person or by letter to the pastor, who  shall issue such transfer upon approval of the Board of Elders. Any member requesting  to be dropped from the membership of Home Church shall make application either in  person or by letter to the pastor, who shall write a letter officially dropping the person  upon approval of the Board of Elders.  


Article 1 - Composition of Church Council  

The Church Council is composed of all communicant members of Home Church who  are in good standing as defined in this Constitution. (Chapter IV, Article 1, section d)  

Article 2 - Secretary  

The Church Council shall elect a secretary for the Council for a four-year term. The  secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Council, which  record shall be carefully preserved.  

In the absence of a secretary the chair may appoint a secretary for that Council in  session.  

Article 3 - Chairperson, Notice of Meeting, Duties  

The Pastor shall be chairperson of the Church Council. In the absence of the Pastor the  vice-chair of the Board of Elders shall convene Council and preside. All meetings shall  be announced on at least two occasions of public worship in such manner as the Board  

of Elders may determine. It shall be the duty of the Council to elect delegates to the  Provincial Synod, the representative members of the Salem Congregation Central  Board of Elders, the representative members of the Salem Congregation Central Board  of Trustees, and all other officers and boards of Home Church not otherwise provided  for. All matters that relate to the temporal or spiritual welfare of Home Church may be  discussed in the Council at the motion of any member or by request of the Board of  Elders or the Board of Trustees.  

Article 4 - Date and Place of Meetings, Quorum  

The annual Meeting of the Council shall be held during October or November of each  year, and the time and place shall be determined by the Board of Elders. It should be  held under such conditions as will secure the largest possible attendance, interest, and  cooperation of the membership. Ten percent (10%) of the resident communicant  members as of the close of the preceding calendar year shall constitute a quorum at any  meeting of Council.  

Article 5 - Special Meetings  

Any Council or the Joint Board of Elders and Trustees shall have authority at any time  to convene a special meeting of Council. Also, upon application of 10% of the resident 

communicant membership, the Joint Board of Elders and Trustees shall call a special  meeting of Council.  

Article 6 - Nominations and Elections  

(a) Sixty days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council, the chairperson shall  appoint a Nominating Committee. The names of the Nominating Committee shall  be published in the church bulletin or other news media at least one time not less  than thirty days prior to Council. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee  to submit to Council a slate of members eligible and qualified for election. The  report of the Nominating Committee, showing the names of the members  nominated, shall be published in the church bulletin or other church news media  prior to Council.  

(b) Nothing shall prevent nominations of eligible and qualified persons from the floor  by any member of Council in any election.  

(c) All elections shall be by ballot. The majority of votes cast shall be necessary for  election. During any election, Council may approve such procedures necessary to  avoid prolonged balloting.  

(d) All persons elected by Council shall begin their term of office the following  January 1.  


Article 7 - Compliance of Resolutions  

All resolutions enacted by the Council shall be in compliance with the Rules and  Regulations of the Unitas Fratrum, the Moravian Church, Southern Province, and Salem Congregation.  


Article 1 - Elders and Trustees  

For the management of the affairs of Home Church, there shall be two Executive  Boards:  

the Board of Elders and the Board of Trustees, collectively the Joint Board.  

Article 2 - Accounting and Reporting Periods  

(a) All financial and reporting periods shall be on a calendar year basis.  (b) The annual report of the Board of Elders and the annual report of the Board of  Trustees, including the financial statement, shall be completed, duplicated, and  distributed by mail to members of Home Church before the annual council.  

Article 3 - Joint Meetings  

The Boards of Elders and Trustees have separate spheres of activity and are not to  interfere with one another in the performance of their respective duties; one having  charge of the spiritual, and the other of the temporal concerns of the church; yet it is  desirable that they should have a cooperative spirit and confer together in such cases as  may arise where both Boards are interested, or where such mutual conference may 

result for the good of the congregation. The presiding officer of the Board of Elders  shall preside over all joint meetings.  

Article 4 - Responsibilities of Joint Board  

It shall be the duty of the Joint Board:  

(a) To cooperate with the Provincial Elders' Conference in carrying out the rules  and principles enacted by Synod.  

(b) To confer with the Provincial Elders' Conference concerning the issuance of  calls to prospective Pastors and Associate Pastors.  

(c) To confer with Provincial Elders’ Conference concerning the appointment of Directors of Christian Education.  

(d) To appoint a Stewardship Committee composed of at least two (2) members  from each Board and others from the congregation at large to meet on a  regular basis.  

(e) to appoint such other committees as deemed necessary. 

Article 5 - Vacancies  

(a) Any vacancy occurring among members of any board elected by the Church  Council may be filled by the remaining members of the board at a regular meeting.  The Executive Committee of the Board shall present two or more nominations to  fill the vacancy. The appointed member shall serve the remaining portion of the  unexpired term.  

(b) Any board member who fails to fulfill his or her obligation by missing five  regularly scheduled meetings in a calendar year may be replaced by the remaining  members of that board.  


Article 1 - Composition  

The Board of Elders shall be composed of the Pastor, the Associate Pastor(s), twelve  members elected by Church Council and two youth representatives. At Home Church=s  annual Council three members shall be elected by ballot to serve for four-year terms.  Two young people shall be elected between the ages of 15 and 21 to serve a one-year  term. A member may be elected again after a lapse of one year. No member shall be  elected who is not a communicant member in good standing.  

Article 2 - Officers and Executive Committee  

The pastor shall be ex-officio chairperson, and at the first meeting of the new term the  Board shall elect from its members a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary, and other  officers as may be deemed necessary. The Board shall operate with an Executive  Committee consisting of the chair, the vice-chair, the secretary, and one member  elected by the Board at its first meeting.  

Article 3 - Duties  

It shall be the duties of the Elders:  

(1) To care for the spiritual and moral well being of the congregation, originating  such plans as will encourage the development of the church’s spiritual life. 

(2) To plan, schedule, and publicize the various services of the church.  (3) To determine the purposes for which the church building may be used.  (4) To maintain the proper exercise of church discipline among the members.  (5) To assist the Pastor(s) in the administration of the church music.  

(6) To pass upon all names of persons presenting themselves for membership, the  names of members to be transferred to other churches, and the names of members  to be suspended, excluded, dropped or placed on the inactive roll.  

(7) To have oversight of the educational ministry.  

(8) To appoint non-salaried principal personnel engaged in the various activities of  the church, such as Chief Usher, Head Diener, etc.  

(9) To approve all special offerings and fund-raising activities.  

(10) To cooperate with the Central Board of Elders of the Salem Congregation in  matters of mutual ministry.  


Article 1 - Composition  

The Board of Trustees shall be composed of twelve members elected by Church  Council and two youth representatives. At Home Church=s annual Council three  members shall be elected by ballot to serve four-year terms. Two young people shall be  elected between the ages of 15 and 21 to serve a one-year term. A member may be  elected again after a lapse of one year. No member shall be elected who is not a  communicant member in good standing.  

Article 2 - Officers  

At its first meeting of the new term, the Board of Trustees shall organize by electing  from its members a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, and other officers as  may be deemed necessary. It shall also elect a Treasurer who may or may not be a  Trustee. The Board shall operate with an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair,  the Vice-Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.  

Article 3 - Duties  

It shall be the duty of the Trustees:  

1. To develop the annual budget and approve it in consultation with the Board of  Elders.  

2. To fix the salaries of the pastor(s) and all other members of the church staff.  3. To have charge of and to maintain all church property.  

4. To administer the financial matters of the congregation.  

5. To make full settlement with the Treasurer of the Southern Province promptly at  the close of the calendar year and to furnish said Treasurer, as early as possible  thereafter, an audited statement of the financial affairs of Home Moravian  Church.  

6. To furnish to the Provincial Treasurer the annual budget for the coming year.  7. To cooperate with the Central Trustees of the Salem Congregation in matters  relating to the finances of Salem Congregation. 


This Constitution may be altered, amended, or added to at any time by a majority of two-thirds  of all votes cast in the Church Council, provided the vote on such alterations, amendments, or  additions is not taken in the same meeting in which they were introduced, but at some  subsequent meeting of the Church Council; and provided further that all such proposed  alterations and amendments obtain the sanction of the Provincial Elders' Conference.  

Amended 2.22.15


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