Youth at HMC

Power Hour; Cambria's meditation: God's creation

Youth Ministry
Cambria Dyess, Youth Ministry Coordinator

Youth News 

Thank you to everyone who helped with Youth Sunday! It was phenomenal.

We will have Power Hour this Sunday from 11:15 – 12on the 3rd floor of the CE Building! See you there!

Scripture Meditation

 “You have given humans dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet.” – Psalm 8:6

When was the last time you felt the grass on your feet? Or stood and really appreciated the sun on your skin? I’m not perfect at appreciating those moments. More often than not, I’m too busy worrying about the next thing I have to do or place I need to go. It will be a beautiful day and I won’t realize it because my brain is too full of other things. I (literally) can’t stop and smell the roses. This verse today is grounding me in the reality that these moments I choose to ignore are gifts from God. I forget that the beautiful things that make up our day to day lives are crafted by God and given to us to be appreciated and cared for.

My partner’s birthday was this week and I made them a pair of earrings. I took time to craft something fit to their needs and wants. While they weren’t the most impressive pair of earrings ever made, they were created by my hands with care and intention. My partner wore the earrings the next day when we celebrated with their family. In doing this, they showed me that they cherished the gift and the care behind it and wanted others to see and appreciate the gift’s beauty as well.

God has given us the gift of creation through our bodies, the flowers we grow, the oceans we swim in, the food we eat, and the grass under our feet. God created all of this to fit together. Every living organism has its needs met by the work of God’s hands. How do we show that we appreciate this? In the same way that my partner wore the earrings I crafted for them, we must immerse ourselves in creation and show God that same gratitude. God’s gifts each day deserve to be cherished in the same way we appreciate the other gifts in our lives. We can tend to our own gardens. We can support climate justice initiatives. We can take our loved ones for a hike. We can stop and smell the roses. I hope when you go outside today, you will take a deep breath, feel the sun on your face, and say thank you to God for the gift of creation.



Below: We made Vision Boards!! We look forward to 2024 and all the things we’re visualizing for our futures! Look at how awesome everyone’s collages are. HMC Youth are a creative bunch.


2024 vision boards.png




Game night at the Greene house was a wonderful time! If your family wants to host a youth event, email Cambria at [email protected].

Below: The HMC youth got to hang out for a couple of hours at William and Kate’s house. We played volleyball, chess, and jenga and had some amazing burgers! Thank you to the Sanders family for hosting an amazing cookout.

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