Music Ministry

Music@Home, Choirs, Men's Chorus, Gregor BellChor, Band, Organs, Nola Knouse on funeral chorales

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Children's Choirs

Kickoff event is Jan. 29

Our Musical Leadership

Moravian Virtual Band 2020

Players "take part" in the Easter Sunrise Service

Home Church Band

July 7 John Huss Communion prelude

Pipe Organs of Home Moravian

The HMC Choir is onto something

The benefits are many. Consider joining.

Moravian Funeral Chorales

Rev. Nola Reed Knouse talks about the chorales' history, music and meaning


Music, and particularly congregational singing, is a major component of Moravian liturgy and worship. Our music ministry programs include an adult choir that sings most Sundays and a men’s chorus that generally sings once per month, children and youth singers and instrumentalists, a handbell choir, a traditional Moravian band consisting of brass and woodwind players, and congregation members who assist the director of music with these programs.

Home Moravian is blessed with many talented vocalists and instrumentalists (winds, brass, strings, guitar, keyboard) who share their gifts as soloists or in small ensembles.

Home Church's music ministry also includes many opportunities for both youth and children.

Glenn Siebert, Director of Music

Susan Keck Foster, Organist

Adult Choir

Membership is open to all in the congregation. There is no audition. A pleasant singing voice and a willing spirit are all that is needed. Basic sight-reading ability is helpful, but not required. This choir of dedicated and fun-loving people provides anthems for most of the Sunday morning worship services. The choir season begins in August and continues through May. The choir provides a program of music for several lovefeasts at Christmas, the Good Friday Lovefeast and other special services during the year. Rehearsals are held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday evenings, August through May.

Men's Chorus

The Men’s Chorus consists of tenors and basses who sing two-, three- and four-part anthems. They sing once a month (September to May) and every Sunday of June. The chorus sings for a lovefeast at Christmas and during Holy Week. Rehearsal is held on two Thursday nights each month at 7:30 p.m. You do not have to be a member of the regular choir to participate.

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