Family Ministry

Church Family Life, Wednesday Night programs

New Opportunities for the Whole Church Family!

Share your gifts and talents by joining one of our Church Committees. With the restructuring of Women's Fellowship many new and exciting volunteer opportunities, which were once only filled with the women of WF, are now available to the entire church family. These meaningful and well- loved committees have long served our church family and are beloved, and important parts of our church family life. We are reaching out to everyone in the church and asking you to join one of these beloved ministries. Below is a list of the committees, the chair persons contact information and a brief description of the duties:

Bereavement Visitations – Help host a visitation for families to greet those who have come to honor their loved one following a funeral
– Kate Hix – 336-765-3606

Hospitality – Assist in preparing food and drink for large church wide celebrations
– Chris Puryear – 336-681-0871

Decorating – Assist in decorating for church wide receptions and events
– Susan Elster (large floral arrangements) 336-972-2606 / Mary Jane Dewees (Easter grave decorating, Church Family Christmas Party) 336-978-5371

Sanctuary Flowers – Help brighten the day of a brother or sister by either making bouquets from the sanctuary flowers or delivering the bouquets following worship on Sunday mornings
– Katherine Petree – 336-727-1195

Greeting – Greet brothers and sisters and visitors at the door as they enter for worship
– Mark Goslen – 336-776-7908

Nursery – Provide assistance in the nursery for our littlest brothers and sisters
– Margaret Norris – 336-722-6171

Call to get more details and to sign up and help serve your church family in any way that you can.

Lucy Strawsburg, 336-416-8686
Church Family Life

Wednesday Night Fellowship

Dinner at 5:45, Program at 6:45


May 3: Where are we now? A Community Conversation

Meal: tortellini piccata with spring vegetables, tossed salad, bread and dessert medley

Community meal at 5:45 p.m.

Evening Program at 6:45 p.m.

Reservations for supper are encouraged by 5 p.m. on Monday. Cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 and under. Standing reservations are also available. Contact the church office for more information, 336-722-6171 or [email protected].

Christian Education Opportunities



  • Classes, 11:15 a.m. 
    • Bible Discussion:  The Gospel of Mark

      Epiphany Mission Sunday School, January 9-February 6


Godly Play: a new recorded story every Sunday, available on the Children's page and the homepage.

In person Sundays July 18-Aug. 8

  • Godly Play at HMC: families are welcome to join in CE 101 from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. for a masked, socially distanced time. Nursery will be available.

Email Margaret Norris for more information. 

Youth Fellowship will resume in fall 2021.

"Normal" Programming

Home Moravian members consider themselves to be part of a church “family,” and warmly welcome each other to participate in activities regardless of personal family ties. But Home Church also recognizes the importance of nurturing and strengthening individual families, and it offers a variety of activities and resources that encourage family participation.

Shaffner Fund: The Jane A. Shaffner Moravian Family Development Fund was created by the late Mrs. Shaffner’s husband and sons in her memory “to support the development of families at Home Church, loving, supportive, Christian family units, which are grounded in the Moravian faith and traditions.” The Fund has supported several projects, including a Family Retreat at Laurel Ridge, and the development of Loving Hearts United – A Moravian Guide for Family Living by the Interprovincial Board of Communication, Moravian Church in North America.

The Shaffner Fund also supports a variety of family-related projects, selected from proposals submitted each year by members of the congregation. See a list of the most recently approved projects.

Church activities and programs that encourage family participation include:

Easter Egg Hunt: The Easter Egg Hunt is planned for children and their parents/grandparents, and also offers crafts, singing, and refreshments.

Home Church Day at Laurel Ridge, usually held on a Sunday in June, includes lunch and an afternoon of family activities.

A young adults group provides fellowship opportunities for families with young children as well as occasional child care for parents to have time to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting.

Candle Tea, held annually in the season of Advent, is a wonderful opportunity for families together to dress as eighteenth-century Salem Moravians and welcome visitors to the Single Brothers’ House for a unique and historic Christmas experience. As a family and fellowship activity, Candle Tea creates many lasting memories.

Gathering of the Greens and decorating the Sanctuary for Christmas:Home Moravian is well-known for its beautifully adorned Sanctuary at Christmas, and many families take pride in working together to help decorate the church, usually on the Friday night before the last Sunday in Advent.

Christmas Party: On a Wednesday night in December, we gather for the Church Family Christmas Party, which begins with a family-style meal. After table fellowship, singing, and a Christmas story, we end the evening with our youth presenting homemade gifts to our children.

We bake cookies!

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