Jan. 10: What is happening in the Board of World Mission today? And what is our calling as Christians and as Moravians? Led by Justin Rabbach, executive director of the Board of World Mission.
Jan. 17: A brief history of Moravian Missions and the BWM. What were our motivations, where did we go, what went well, what did not? Where are we today? Led by Bishop Chris Giesler, director of mission engagement, Board of World Mission.
Jan. 24: Discerning One’s Call to Missions: Community Discernment Prayer Activity and Mission Skills Assessment survey. Led by Bishop Chris Giesler director of mission engagement, Board of World Mission.
Jan. 31: And Now What? Why are we here? What is God’s call for us as individuals and a church? What has God blessed us with so that we may bless others? Led by Bishop Chris Giesler, director of mission engagement, Board of World Mission. Download and print this special exercise that Chris covered in the class.