Adult Sunday School, 11:15 a.m.
Bible Discussion, Club Room and Zoom
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Faith and Justice, CE 204 and Zoom
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"Coffee & Conversation" in the Parlor during the Sunday School hour.
Bible Discussion
The class meets each Sunday after worship in the Club Room. This class is led by former pastor Rick Sides and his wife Elizabeth, along with pastors Tim Byerly, Bill Gramley, and Tom Haupert. If you desire to delve deeply into scripture, then this class is for you! Currently the class is studying the book of Acts.
Scripture Encore
This class meets each week (during the regular "school year") after church in CE 101 and discusses one (or more) of the Bible verses assigned for that Sunday by the common Protestant lectionary. Often the class will delve into the passages used in that Sunday's worship sermon, thus its name: Scripture Encore.
Faith and Justice
The first few weeks will focus on exploring “Faith and Biblical Justice.” We will discuss related Moravian documents (Faith and Order document on Biblical Interpretation, Ground of the Unity, Covenant for Christian Living, 2022 Southern Province’s Resolution 15 “Reaffirmation of Our commitment to Advocacy and Justice”). We will then decide as a class which book(s) or curriculum we wish to study next. Class leadership will be shared by class members. Classes will be grounded in prayer together.
Please contact Betsy or Dave Bombick with questions or comments.