Ways to Serve
Below is a list of ministry opportunities at Home Moravian Church. Please prayerfully consider how you will continue to serve, and what new ministries you would like to try.
Christian Education
- Team teach in Sunday School – children
- Team teach in Sunday School – adults
- Assist with Youth Fellowship
- Care for children in the Nursery
- Volunteer in Godly Play (children’s church)
- Help with Vacation Bible School
- Mentor a Youth in Confirmation
- Serve as a summer counselor at Laurel Ridge
- Comenius Corridor (children’s library): Volunteer 11-11:15 a.m. one Sunday a month
- Nursery Volunteer (Worship service or Sunday School time)
Music and Worship
- Serve as a Diener
- Serve as an Usher
- Play in the Band
- Play in the Handbell Choir
- Make Lovefeast coffee
- Serve as a Sacristan
- Sing in the Choir
- Sing in the Men’s Chorus
- Sing in a children’s choir
- Provide musical talent for worship
- Help trim candles for Lovefeast
Home Missions
- Work on a Habitat house
- Volunteer at Overflow Shelter
- Volunteer at Diggs-Latham Elementary School
- Spend the night at Samaritan Inn
- Volunteer at Sunnyside Ministry
- Prepare HOPE meals for children
- Participate in the Wachovia Garden
- Participate in Prison Ministry
- Participate in Earth Stewardship ministry
Congregational Life
- Redistribute and/or deliver Sanctuary flowers
- Contact/visit homebound members
- Write cards to members
- Participate in the Prayer Tree Ministry
- Help with Home Church Day at Laurel Ridge
- Plan a Wednesday night program
- Drive the church bus
- Assist with maintenance needs of our facility
- Participate in church workdays
- Volunteer in the church office
- Help as a hospitality/kitchen volunteer/cook
- Serve as a ‘Friendly Partner’ for a new member
- Help with seasonal children’s activities
- Volunteer as a church interpreter
- Contact visitors interested in HMC
- Participate in Women’s Fellowship
- Participate in Men of the Church
- Participate in Senior Friends
- Join Sunnyside Stitchers
- Join Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Provide artistic talents as needed
- Candle Tea
World Missions
- Help with special mission projects
- Serve on World Mission Ministry Team
- Participate in Provincial outreach ministries