Summer Adventures 2024
Online Registration is now open for our first summer adventure of 2024!
Date: Friday, June 28, 2024
Colors of the World: Celebrating God’s Creation & Exploring God’s Promises
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM at Home Moravian Church
Children ages 4 to 11 are invited to this amazing adventure where we will experience Rainbow Bubble Art, Color Changing Slime, Tie-Dye T-Shirts, and adventure into the Wachovia Garden, plus more!
A light supper will be provided at 6 p.m. followed by activities.
Save the Date: Coming Friday July 26, we will have “God’s Wacky Olympics.” Stay tuned for more information in early July about this exciting opportunity for children ages 4 to 11.
Power Hour, on Sundays following worship, provides an opportunity for small groups to encounter Jesus each week through the study and application of God’s Word. Classes are in the CE Building.
- Moravian Minis (Pre-K)
- Moravian Stars I (K-2 grade)
- Moravian Stars II (3-5 Grade)
- Youth (Grades 6-12)
Children in Godly Play will be picked up by their Sunday School teachers and taken to their classes at 11:15. Parents may pick them up in their classrooms at 12:00.
For parents, the Parlor is available for “Coffee and Conversation” each week during Power Hour or adults may join one of our three adult classes:
- Bible Discussion, Club Room
- Scripture Encore/Missions, CE 101
- Faith & Justice, CE 204
Introduction to HMC Kids
We believe that no one is too young to be influenced by God’s work and the love of Jesus Christ.
From our smallest infants to our growing 5th graders, we seek to lay foundational biblical truth while guiding children in building relationships with each other and with Jesus! HMC Kids partners with parents and invests in children to raise authentic followers of Christ. Through creative environments, Bible lessons, prayer, relationships, and Godly Play we help to connect faith with life right where kids are.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me.” The Children’s Ministry seeks to help children learn, grow, serve, and share Jesus.
Contact Information:
Becky Hodges
HMC Administrator for Christian Formation
[email protected]
Midajah Hunter
HMC Nursery Coordinator
Nursery, CE 105, 9:10am
Godly Play, continued, CE 101, 10:20-11:15 a.m.
Below: Water Wonders Summer Adventure. Click/tap photo to enlarge.
Below: Children in the Photobooth from Pentacost 2023. Click/tap photo to enlarge.
Below: Godly Play. Click/tap an image to enlarge.